A perseguição dos cristãos na Coreia do Norte

Nota: A associação Portas Abertas é protestante. Portanto, peço que tenham em conta os eventuais erros doutrinários presentes no vídeo.

5 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

Before the division of Korea, Pyongyang was the city with the highest number of Christian believers in Korea, and was known as the "Korean Jerusalem". By 1945, nearly 1/6 of its citizens were Christians. Therefore, Pyongyang was made into the only diocese in northern Korea.

After the division of Korea, however, the Communist government under Kim Il-sung persecuted Christians as imperialist collaborators and spies; even the famous Christian Nationalist Cho Man-sik, initially more influential than Kim, was arrested and shot. Much of the Catholic community was either killed or imprisoned, and many more fled south.


Anónimo disse...

Os protestantes (e os ortodoxos) não são cristãos por muito que nos queiram fazer crer que são. Os únicos cristãos são os católicos.

VERITATIS disse...

Sem dúvida! Fora da Igreja não há Salvação.

Anónimo disse...

Roman Catholic Diocese of Hamhung

In 1949, 166 priests and religious were martyred in the Communist revolution of Kim Il-sung. This left the diocese bereft of priests. Father Josef Bonifatius Sauer, the abbot of Tokwon abbey, had died in 1950, and no bishop had been re-appointed to the diocese. Finally, in 1962, Timotheus (Franz Xaver) Bitterli, was appointed in absentia as the bishop of the diocese, and was the apostolic administrator for 20 years until his resignation in 1981. Since then, the diocese has remained vacant, and it will likely remain so as long as the persecution of Christians in North Korea continues.


AJBF disse...

Esse vídeo é muito interessante. Me lembra como os cristãos de diferentes seitas e os católicos são perseguidos por professarem a fé em Jesus Cristo.

Nesse sentido, precisamos ter misericórdia inclusive daqueles que não são própria e merecidamente intitulados 'cristãos', como é o caso dos hereges protestantes; dado que por meio deles muitos chegam ao batismo e - por ignorância invencível - acabam tendo, de certo modo, mais chances de atingir a salvação eterna.